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CLAS shops

CLAS research and design services

Physics and astronomy shops
Roy J. Carver Center for Genomics (CCG)
Our mission is to promote the understanding of molecular, cellular, and population level processes through the integrated analysis of genes and genomes, expression proviles, and functional and structural cellular properties.
Roy J. Carver Center for Imaging (CCI)
Plays a crucial role in advancing the research and teaching missions of the Department of Biology through its state-of-the-art light microscopy and imaging resources.
Our principal activities include the culturing of plant lines for research projects and caring for a variety of plant specimens available to University of Iowa students. We also supply plant materials and growing space for studies and experiments in courses taught by department faculty.
Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank
The Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank is a National Resource established by the National Institutes of Health in 1986 to bank and distribute at cost hybridomas and the monoclonal antibodies they produce to the basic science community worldwide. It is housed in the Department of Biology at the University of Iowa.
DeLTA Center
Brings together researchers who seek to understand processes that underlie development and learning from neurons to neighborhoods, acknowledging that the brain, mind, body, physical environment, social relationships, and large-scale social systems are all intertwined.
National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice
Promotes family-centered, culturally responsive practice across human service systems through research
Center for New Music
Functions as a laboratory and performance extension of the school’s composition area and as a repertory ensemble for the creation and presentation of new music. The Center for New Music, a performance organization devoted to the late 20th- and early 21st-century repertoire, is the focus of contemporary composition and performance at the University of Iowa.
Center for the Study of Group Processes
Promotes theory-based, scientific research on group processes
Center for Criminology and Socio-legal Studies
Interdisciplinary forum for research and training in the areas of crime, law, mental health, corrections, and social control.
UI core facilities
Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR)
Core research facilities, institutes, and centers
Iowa Institute of Human Genetics
Iowa Neuroscience Institute
Research centers in the Office of International Programs
International programs and centers include Center for Asian and Pacific Studies; Center for Human Rights; Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies; Confucius Institute; and Institute for Cinema and Culture.
Other centers with College of Liberal Arts and Sciences engagement
Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing
Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing—Fosters education and training, research and scholarship, and wide-ranging technology transfer activities involving biocatalysis and bioprocessing.
Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research
Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research—Promotes interdisciplinary research efforts that focus on the multiple aspects of global and environmental change.
Center for Social Science Innovation
The Center for Social Science Innovation, a unit of the Office of the Vice President for Research, is committed to advancing, supporting, and celebrating interdisciplinary social science research.
Materials Analysis, Testing, and Fabrication (MATFab)
Materials Analysis, Testing, and Fabrication (MATFab)—Facility The Materials Analysis, Testing, and Fabrication (MATFab) Facility brings together cutting-edge instruments for the physical sciences and engineering into one convenient location on campus.
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institute
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Institute—An interdisciplinary center involving faculty in CLAS, engineering, medicine, pharmacy, and public health, focused on issues related to applications and implications of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Obermann Center for Advanced Studies
This intellectual community supports artists, scholars, and researchers—independently and in cross-disciplinary collaborations—as they unearth the past, explain and engage the present, and invent the future.