Get a midterm notice? Feeling nervous about how things are going in a class? If you have a class that isn’t going according to your plan, here are some things to think about.
Thursday, March 28, 2024

There are still six weeks left in the semester to improve your standing. You also have the option to drop a class or to withdraw from all classes by April 15 with your academic advisor’s permission.

How do you decide? Think about these things.

Assess your situation.

Think about the course as a whole:

  • How many assignments are left in this class, and what grades are you likely to earn based on past performance?
  • What academic support resources are available, and can you make use of them in time?
  • Does the course allow makeup work?
  • If you have missed class, how will attendance factor into your grade?

Speak with your course professor or TA about what steps you can take to raise your grade and what outcome may be realistically achieved by the end of the term.

Think about your situation:

  • Will dropping this course allow you to focus on other courses?
  • Are you facing some challenges that will make it hard to do work for the class going forward?
  • Are you on academic probation? If so, it’s especially important to be mindful of your grades.

Be sure to talk to your advisor about the big picture.

Get input and act.

As you make your decision, you may want input about the implications of dropping or keeping a course from the following resources:

  • Your instructor or TA to understand your status in the class
  • Your academic advisor to discuss your schedule as a whole, your timeline to graduation, and your academic standing
  • Office of Student Financial Aid to understand the implications for scholarships, grants, or loans
  • International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) or athletics for eligibility
  • College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Programs (CLAS UP) ( for questions about academic probation and late drops or withdrawals

If you plan to stick with your course, now is the time to use all the resources available to you. Check Tutor Iowa for resources related to your class or area of study, as well as the CLAS website for additional workshops and resources. There are also tips available to you about study strategies and boosting motivation.

If you decide to drop a course, go to the Courses/Registration tab on MyUI, log in, and then set the session to Spring 2024. Follow these instructions.

  • To initiate your drop, click all the way through “I agree to obtain required permissions.”
  • Note all the permissions required to drop, and contact each area (advisor, ISSS, athletics, etc.).
  • Once you get all the permissions, you will need to complete the drop or semester withdrawal on your MyUI Courses/Registration page no later than Monday, April 15, 2024.

Did you miss the deadline? It’s never too late to ask for help. Talk to your advisor as soon as possible about options. If you have extenuating circumstances, you may be able to petition for a late drop of an individual course or late withdraw from the entire semester. Contact for more information.