The start of a new semester is a wonderful opportunity for a fresh start. Take some time to think about your mindset going into a new semester, reflect on what has gone well in past semesters, and plan how you will best manage your time going forward.
The experts at Learning at Iowa offer this great advice to help set yourself up for success.

Harnessing your mindset
As you start the new year, consider how you are contributing to your own success. Are you encouraging yourself? Do you believe you can do it? Although there is a lot about college that is out of your control, challenge yourself to think about what you can control, like your mindset, your study habits, and how you spend your time. A new semester is an opportunity for a fresh start. Take advantage of it and your future self will be so grateful!
For more tips:
Reflecting and evaluating
Take a minute to think about what went well last semester: maybe an assignment you’re proud of or a week when you had a great study schedule. How did you accomplish that? When and where did you study? What resources did you use? Make a plan to re-create that success this semester!
For more tips:
Managing your time
How did your time-management and strategies work for you last semester? Set yourself up for success by reviewing your syllabi this week and previewing your assignments and exams. Reduce your stress level by scheduling out your weekly assignments; make sure you build in time to ask for help when you need it! Remember, change doesn't happen overnight, but with consistent and intentional effort.
For more tips:
Setting academic goals
What are your goals for the coming semester? Like New Year’s resolutions, new semester goals are often quickly abandoned. To stay focused and achieve them, make your goals specific and challenging. Goals should focus on the actions or behaviors that you control. For example, instead of the goal “Get all As and Bs in my classes,” try “Go to class every day” or “Attend Supplemental Instruction each week.”
For more tips:
- To achieve your goals, ask yourself these questions
- Track your study habits using a metacognitive journal
Study Strategy: The Power Hour
Looking for a way to focus and improve your studying? Try the Power Hour! Make a list of what you want to accomplish, then spend 45 minutes working on it. Get rid of any distractions and put your phone out of sight. After that time is up, take a 15-minute break. Rinse and repeat!
For more suggestions:
For more tips and advice, explore the additional resources available at